Springville started out as a one-room school district with a handful of students in School District 29, just a buggy ride northwest of the budding town of Omaha. No exact date for the start of the school has been found, but the district is recorded in the county records of 1872.
The first Springville was built on what was to become 66th Street between Redick and Girard. In 1884, the old school was purchased by the DeBolt family and moved a short distance north where it was converted into a home. In 1884, a new Springville was built at the previous location. In 1917, the voters of School District 29 approved a $2,000 bond issue (times have changed), which was used to build a second room and replace the heating stove with a furnace.
In 1948, a new two-room brick frame was built on its present location of 60th and Girard. The district's population grew and six years later, in 1954, two more rooms were added. The old office, teacher's study, library, and rooms three and four comprised that same area. On June 16, 1958, School District 29 merged with the Omaha Public Schools, and a bond issue for $300,000 enabled a needed, major addition. In 1959, a multi-purpose room, kitchen, boiler room, and four more classrooms were added to accommodate a student population that had grown to 100. The growth continued, reaching 323 students by 1963 and 520 students by 1965.
In 1965, Springville School serving grades K-6 dedicated a second major addition funded by a $165,550.99 bond issue passed in 1963. This added eight additional classrooms in a new wing.
By 1971, Springville's enrollment was about 530 students serving K-5. Springville had 14 regular classrooms, a multi-purpose room, and one administrative office. For the next three years one temporary classroom was added yearly to support up to 620 students. When Pinewood Elementary was completed in 1974, 250 students were reassigned from Springville to Pinewood.
On May 19, 1985, a Centennial Celebration of Springville School was held. A 4-page Centennial program, which includes a more detailed history of the first hundred years and more photographs, is available as a pdf file below.
In the spring of 2005 a renovation exceeding $6 million was proposed and passed by the Omaha School Board. This project modernized all of the facility, adding new kindergarten rooms, administrative areas, and completely renovating all classrooms. During construction Springville was housed in the Mills Building at 30th and Ames. Springville moved back into its sparkling new facility for the 2007-2008 school year.
In the fall of 2016 Springville became a kindergarten through fifth grade school, serving about 390 students. We are proud of our excellent teaching staff and administration, creative students, and involved families. Springville carries a tradition of pride and excellence.