High School Assignment Plan


    High School Application Process
    Choosing a high school that meets a student's individual needs is an important opportunity in Omaha Public Schools. We know that students and families make their high school choice based on a variety of reasons including, but not limited to, programming and transportation. Students are guaranteed enrollment at their neighborhood school. Families may apply to any school. However, the Student Assignment Plan will determine their transportation eligibility and priority in the high school choice process. 

    High School Application Timeline

    • January 6-10 Every Omaha Public Schools eighth grader will receive an application at their current school
    • January 29 Final date to submit the applications back to the current school
    • February 20 High School placement letters will be mailed to homes

    Neighborhood vs Non-Neighborhood Transportation
    Our district currently has guidelines for transportation eligibility to both neighborhood and non-neighborhood schools.

    Neighborhood transportation
    is for eligible students who attend their neighborhood (home) school.

    • The plan increases transportation eligibility at all high schools.
    • Instead of using distance, the plan uses streets to identify transportation areas in each high school boundary.
    • Each transportation area identified is an area that is generally located farthest away from the school.
    • The neighborhood transportation plan is below.

    Map of high school transportation areas

    Non-neighborhood transportation is for students who attend a school other than their home (neighborhood) high school.

    • The plan creates three partner zones each including three high schools.
    • One additional school has been identified as a partner school.
    • Students would have priority and be eligible for transportation at other schools in their partner zone and their home school's additional partner schools, also known as their "plus one school" (pictured below).
      • For example, students living in the North attendance area would be in the same zone as Burke and South. North High School's plus one school is Westview. Students in the North attendance area would have priority and be eligible for transportation to Burke, South or Westview.
    • The three partner zones and the plus one schools are listed below.
    • All three partner zones offer students access to diverse programming at high schools across the district.
    • The non-neighborhood transportation plan is below.

    High School Partner Zone Map

    High School Partner Zone Table