Our Students
51,776 students Nearly one in six students in Nebraska attends Omaha Public Schools
111 languages spoken by students and families
Approximately $60 million in scholarships awarded to 2024 graduates
Over 22,000 college credits earned in high school during the 2023-24 school year
1,400 industry-recognized certifications earned by students in 2023-24
Our Schools
87 total schools 8 additional programs
65 elementary schools
13 middle schools
9 high schools
1 K-12 virtual school
4 new schools opened in fall of 2022
1 new school opened fall of 2023
Our Teachers
63.4% of teachers have a master's degree or above
Teachers have 11 years average of experience
19 national board certified teachers
Our District
$17,901 average cost per pupil educated
Student to Teacher Ratio Elementary: 13.7, Middle: 20.6, High: 20.3
10 schools offer dual language programs
More Advanced Placement courses than any other district in the state
10 Green Ribbon Awards for environmental excellence since 2012