Special Education

  • Omaha Public Schools Special Education offers a variety of high-quality services to students with disabilities from birth through the school year in which the student turns 21. Parents and families work with school staff to develop an Individual Education Program (IEP) or an Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) that addresses the needs of the student. Special Education programs and services are available at each building in the district. Some programs are available at selected sites where we bring children to a particular location for specialized, intensive, and remedial instruction.

    The building principal and school staff can answer any questions you may have about special education services in the district or contact any staff member from special education about services as well.


    For more information, please contact the Special Education Department at (531) 299-0244.

    If you have concerns regarding the development of your child who is between the ages of birth thru two years old, please call the Early Development Network at (531) 299-0242 or email birthto3referrals@ops.org to discuss your concerns.

    If you have concerns regarding the development of your child who is between the ages of three to five years old, please call the Early Childhood Education office at (531) 299-0303 or email ECSEreferral@ops.org to discuss your concerns.

  • Teacher's Administrative Center
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