Bell Schedule and Session Information

  • Sessions are offered based on the needs of students. Parrish offers two sessions. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday are for high school students. Tuesday and Thursday are for middle school students. The circumstances around expulsion, as well as student needs, are considered before placing a student in either the morning or afternoon session. Once orientation is held with the Program Director, Assistant Program Director, parent(s) or guardian(s) and student, a schedule will be determined and the student will be able to start classes on the following Monday (High School) or Tuesday (Middle School). Student schedules are based on individual needs and course offerings. 

    High School -- Monday, Wednesday, and Friday

    Morning Session

    • Begins at 7:30 A.M.
    • Ends at 11:15 A.M.

    Afternoon Session

    • Begins at 11:15 A.M.
    • Ends at 3:00 P.M.


    Middle School -- Tuesday and Thursday

    Morning Session

    • Begins at 7:45 A.M.
    • Ends at 10:45 A.M.

    Afternoon Session

    • Begins at 12:00 P.M.
    • Ends at 3:00 P.M.

Schedule of Classes

  • Before orientation, the Parrish leadership team will look at all incoming student's schedule and grades. Based on this information, students will be placed in 3 classes depending on which classes students need and are available during the semester. Parrish only offers a limited number of classes, with no electives being offered. Below is a list of the classes by grade level offered at Parrish.

    Middle School: Language Arts, Science, Mathematics, Social Studies

    9th Grade: U.S. History 1/2, Physical Science 1/2, English 1/2, Credit Recovery Math, Community Service

    10th Grade: Economics or Geography, English 3/4, Biology 1/2, Credit Recovery Math, Community Service

    11th Grade: Modern World History 1/2, Earth Science 3/4, Credit Recovery Math, Community Service

    12th Grade: American Government, Personal Finance, English 7/8, Credit Recovery Math, Community Service

    Credit Recovery: Credit recovery gives high school students who have failed a class the opportunity to retake a course through Edmentum, Omaha Public Schools’ online learning environment—and thereby avoid failure and the opportunity to earn academic credit. Students should continue working on the course at home to ensure completion. Students must successfully complete all units of study and the end of course exam to earn a passing grade. Edmentum exams will be taken in person at Parrish.  A course that is not completed will be marked as an F.