Additional Contacts for Parents

  • The following lists contact information for various special education needs/concerns:

    Assistive Technology:  (531) 299-9491

    Health Services:  (531) 299-4679 

    Hearing Testing: Available at each school by contacting the school nurse

    Student Transportation:  (531) 299-0140, Press #1 for Special Education Transportation

    Psychological Services:  (531)-299-0305

Special Education Advisory Council (SEAC)

  • Special Education Advisory Council (SEAC) is an advisory panel for the purpose of providing policy guidance with respect to Special Education and related services for children with disabilities.  The responsibilities of the Special Education Advisory Council (SEAC) include discussing research-based educational practices and reviewing activities designed to improve outcomes for children with disabilities in the Omaha Public Schools.  The Council consists of a balance of parents, administrators, and representatives from various community agencies who serve students from birth through age 21. 

    Nebraska Department of Education (NDE) Special Education Advisory Council (SEAC)


    For more information, please contact the Special Education Department at (531) 299-0244.