Discipline Appeal Process

  • Any discipline intervention that removes a student from the learning environment is subject to an appeal by the student or parent/guardian. It is recommended that a family begin the appeal process for all behavior resolutions with the school or program administrator.
    The principal or program director has the decision-making authority for both in-school and short-term suspension discipline resolutions. Questions about these resolutions should be discussed with the principal, program director or assistant principal.
    A Discipline Hearing may only be requested when the discipline recommendation is a long-term suspension, mandatory reassignment, emergency exclusion, or expulsion. 

    Discipline Appeals to the School Principal or Program Director:

    • Student Success Center (SSC) – SSC is an in-school suspension option, provided to students as an effort to keep students in school and to minimize absences. In the SSC room, the students work in a closed classroom environment which minimizes distractions while allowing them to focus on their needs both academically and socially. The SSC/PAC encourages students to accept responsibility for their actions. The use of SSC rooms may also be used as a preventative measure to help students make positive choices as it relates to behaviors.
    • Short-term Suspension – exclusion from school for a period of time up to five school days.
    • Emergency Exclusion - Exclusion from school for a period of time (up to five days) where there has been a determination that the student's presence in the school represents a danger to self or others. 


    Discipline Appeals to the District Hearing Office:

    • Long-term Suspension – Exclusion from school for a period of time exceeding five school days but less than 20 school days.
    • Emergency Exclusion - Exclusion from school for a period of time 9up to five days) where there has been a determination that the student’s presence in the school represents a danger to self or others.
    • Reassignment – Mandatory transfer to another school or program; No student may return to the school from which he or she was reassigned.
    • Expulsion - Expulsion means a student may not attend any school in the district for the period of the expulsion. Expelled students may participate in a district-specified alternative school during the term of expulsion.

    For additional questions, reach out to the Omaha Public Schools Hearing Office (531) 299-0466.